Y2 Curriculum Information

Term: Autumn 2024


 Please read the curriculum information carefully below:

Home Learning:

Home learning is set on Google Classroom every Wednesday, this needs to uploaded and returned for the following Monday. Children will also practise their rapid recall target weekly and spellings. Homework activities will alternate between English and Maths. Please work with your child to complete the activities, but please don’t do it for them! In Year 2, we always remind the children to try their best even if they might make mistakes. 

When we set writing activities, it would be best to get your child to write down their answers on a piece of paper and take a photo of it. This way we can make their spellings, handwriting and punctuation too. 



Spellings will be set and available to view every Friday on Google Classroom. The children will then be tested in class every Friday morning so that they have a week to practice. It will be a mix of high frequency words and words linked to a phonics sound. Your child will receive a login and password to access Spelling Shed, a programme we are using to teach spellings. There will be games for them to access at home. Please encourage this at least once a week. 



At OLM we use the Maths No Problem scheme. This scheme focuses on mastery of different mathematical concepts.  This term we will be focusing on:


Numbers to 100

-counting to 100

-place value

-comparing numbers

-number bonds

-making number patterns


Addition & Subtraction

-simple adding

-adding with renaming

-simple subtracting

-subtracting with renaming

-addition of 3 numbers


Multiplication of 2, 5 & 10

-multiplication as equal groups

-2 x table

-5 x table

-10 x table

-multiplying by 2, 5 and 10

-solving word problems


Times Tables

Pupils should know times tables: 2, 5, 3, 4 and 10s by the end of Year 2

Times Tables

Pupils should know times tables: 2, 5, 3, 4 and 10s by the end of Year 2

Please ensure you continue to practice on your rapid recall targets as these are invaluable to your child’s mental arithmetic skills.

Times Tables

We will continue to practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables until the children are completely confident in these.  If you feel they are ready to move on, then please start practising the 3 and 4 times tables too.  Please do practise these regularly. We have introduced the children to Times Table Rockstars and already sent home log ins. This is a fun way to motivate them to learn their tables. We will assign time during our Computing lessons to also support them. 



We will be focussing the book called 

The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins

The Emperor penguin is the only large animal to remain on the Antarctic mainland throughout its bitterly inhospitable winter. Once the female has laid her egg, she heads back to the sea, leaving the male to incubate it. He then spends two months standing on the freezing cold ice with the egg on his feet!




Our grammar focus will be sentence formation, using capital letters and full stops.


In Year 2, we will continue the teaching of phonics, with a focus on consonant graphemes.  We will also begin looking at the spellings of homophones, words that sound the same but have a different meaning and are spelt differently e.g. their and there, pair and pear


The children are read to daily by an adult and also have twice weekly sessions on a one to one basis. This is to ensure that children are exposed to a rich vocabulary and a chance to explore their understanding of a text. Please could parents support their child with reading by reading aloud to them but also ensuring children are reading to them independently for approximately 10 mins a day.  It is important that children now work on their comprehension skills (understanding) so please do spend time discussing what you are reading and questioning your child about a text.


 Write with correct & consistent use of:


 capital letters

 full stops

 question marks

 exclamation marks.


Handwriting- Write lower case letters correct size relative to one another.

Show evidence of diagonal & horizontal strokes to join.



 Rooted in Love: 

 Autumn 1

Care of Creation

Autumn 2

Preferential Option for the Poor



First 3 days: Mission Statement work

C&S Topic 1: Beginnings
(4 weeks)
Start C&S Topic 2: Signs & Symbols (3 weeks)

New Beginnings.

For the first 4 weeks, children will be learning about new beginnings e.g. first day at school and then will learn about God’s creation story.

Topic 2: Signs & Symbols (1 week)

For Christians, signs and symbols speak of God’s mysterious presence in the world and in our lives. Special symbols are called ‘sacraments’ because they put us in touch in a powerful way with the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus and they point to his continued presence among us today.

 Geography  Autumn 1

Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?


History Autumn 2

How were schools different in the past?

Use sources to research and develop an understanding of what schools were like 100 years ago.

Identify three features of a classroom now and a classroom 100 years ago, identifying some similarities and differences.

Recognise two similarities and two differences between schools now and schools in the past.

State whether they would have preferred to go to school in the past or not and explain why.



Class teachers will be teaching Gymnastics in  PE

Coach Costa will be teaching Basketball



 Mrs Edwards will be teaching children music every Tuesday.


Computing Systems & Networks

IT around us


Media balance & wellbeing

Online Safety

How Technology Makes
You Feel



 Autumn 1 Drawing: Tell a story

Suggest ways to draw a word through marks.

Use relevant language to describe how an object feels.

Suggest ways to create different textures through drawn marks.

Freely experiment with different tools, receiving encouragement when needed.

Describe and then draw shapes that make up an object.

Use good observational skills to add details to their drawing.


Autumn 2 Mechanisms: Fairground Wheel

Describe how axles help wheels move a vehicle and design and label a working fairground wheel.

Evaluate different designs.

Describe the properties of different materials and select appropriate materials for the wheel.

Build a stable structure, test elements of the design and adapt the design as necessary.


Living Things: Habitats

 Recall some life processes, giving examples of how they apply to plants and animals

.Classify objects into alive, never been alive and was once alive, giving reasons for their choices.


 Autumn 2

Living Things : Microhabitats


 Identify and name a variety of plants and animals.

Recall that minibeasts live in microhabitats.

Describe microhabitats and their conditions.

Describe how microhabitats provide for the basic needs of animals and plants.

How you can support your child’s learning:





Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk) 


Information for parents- National Curriculum Tests



Phonics Screening:

This year, some children will be tested on their phonic sounds. Please find attached an example of a phonics screening test. You can find more resources uploaded to Google Classroom:

2022 Phonics screening check: pupils' materials - standard (publishing.service.gov.uk)