Year 1 Curriculum Information

Term: Spring 2 2025



Year 1 Curriculum Information

Term: Spring 2 2025


Class: Y1M         Teacher: Miss McCracken

Class: Y1R           Teacher: Mr Rhodes


Home Learning

We encourage the children to read for at least 10 minutes each night. We will change reading books and check reading records on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure children bring in their reading records and reading journals on these days.


Home learning will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. This will include one piece of either English or Maths (Alternating each week) and their weekly spellings. We will have our weekly spelling test on Thursday afternoon.


In PE our topic is gymnastics and basketball.

PE will take place on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please can children come to school wearing their PE kits on this day. On a Tuesday we will be learning about locomotion skills (jumping) and on Wednesday we will be learning about tag rugby and football.

Our OLM PE uniform is:

  • White OLM t-shirt
  • Navy Blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Black or white trainers.


At OLM we use the Maths No Problem scheme. This scheme focuses on mastery of different mathematical concepts. Each child will have their own workbook which is made of different chapters (See below for the current chapters for this half term). At the end of each chapter there will be a review to complete. Your children will bring a blank copy of this to complete as homework. This will inform you on which parts your child is confident in and which areas they may need additional support.


  • Numbers to 40
  • Addition and subtraction word problems
  • Multiplication



This half term we are learning about “comparing animals”

 This will include:

  • Identifying animal groups
  • Describing animals
  • Comparing animals
  • Identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
  • Pets
  • Jane Goodall


This half term we are learning about “How have toys changed??”

This will include:

  • What is your favourite toy?
  • Did your grandparents play with the same toys as you?
  • What were toys like in the past?
  • What is similar and different about toys now and in the past?
  • How have toys changed?





In Year 1, we use Rocket Phonics.  Children start this scheme in Early Years Foundation Stage and then progress on to more complex phonemes and graphemes. The children have their own workbooks, which they fill in each day.


Children read twice a week in school, during small guided reading sessions. We use the corresponding high quality Rocket Phonics reading books. Children also take home two Rocket Phonics reading books a week.

It is really important that children are exposed to a variety of books and to support this we read aloud daily to the children in class. Please could parents support their child by reading aloud to them each day at home so they are exposed to a rich vocabulary of language.  


In our writing lessons we are looking at sentence level work around the book “The humming bird!”. In this unit we will be focusing on questions and statements. At the end of this unit, we will be writing a non-chronological report.  



In RE our topic is Meals (1 weeks) and Change (5 weeks)

Our CST topic for this half term is the “Community and participation”.


 Art & DT 

This half term we will be making windmills. 



In computing we will be learning about grouping data. 


1oo books to read in Y1

Recommended reading

The Cat in the Hat- Dr Seuss

The Tiger Who Came to Tea- Judith Kerr

 Hairy Maclary- Lynley Dodd

The Large Family Collection- Jill Murphy

Charlie and Lola- Lauren Child

The Smartest Giant in Town- Julia Donaldson

The Gruffalo’s Child- Julia Donaldson

The Gigantic Turnip- Aleksei Tolstoy

The Whisperer- Nick Butterworth

Mrs Armitage on Wheels- Quentin Blake

The Trouble with Jack- Shirley Hughes

My Friend Bear- Jez Alborough

Avocado Baby- John Burningham

A Bear Called Paddington- Michael Bond

Funnybones- Allan Ahlberg

The Jolly Postman- Allan Ahlberg

Mister Magnolia- Quentin Blake

Katie Morag Series- Mairi Hedderwick

Frog and Toad are Friends- Arnold Lobel

The Princess and the Pea- Minnie Grey

Amazing Grace- Mary Hoffman

Don’t Forget the Bacon- Pat Hutchins

Emperor of Absurdia- Chris Riddell

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs- Jon Scieszka